Week 6 — Art Activity — Intermedia

3 min readOct 4, 2020


I chose to do my art pieces on the 2 big events that have recently happened in 2020, the fires and the presidential debate, and 1 on personal growth.


  1. drawing — markers
  2. pen and ink (drawing)
  3. watercolor

This piece talks about how we need to work on our personal growth. No matter how many bruises or scratches we get throughout our lives, we learn from those bad times and continue to grow into something great. I chose to use pen and ink because I thought the detail of the tree and woman would look good with using all the different lines and make it look more realistic. I also like the fact of it being in all black, and white, because it adds a different dimension to it, and adding color I think wouldn’t make it pop out as much as it does. If I did the other 2 mediums, the shading wouldn’t have been as good and I would have messed up if I used watercolor since it’s not one of my specialties. I like this piece because it turned out better than I thought it would in my head, but I do wish I could do something with the background to make it not look so plain. I feel like my piece does convey that people should work on their personal growth to become something beautiful and unique.

This piece displays the presidential debate of 2020. I chose to draw this because it was a very big event that happened in 2020 and it was also the craziest one by being called “The worst presidential debate we have ever seen!”. The medium of artwork I chose was a drawing, which was similar to the last one, but I chose to use markers and put it in color because I thought it would look best more animated and make it pop out. Also, since the political parties are divided in a way with colors, blue and red, I thought it just made sense. I didn’t choose the other 2 mediums because I thought watercolor or pen and ink wouldn’t pop out the images as much and it would be hard to add the little details for me. I think I did really well on my piece and it turned out to look the way I expected it. I wish I added a little more detail to the background, but I didn’t because then it might have been too busy. I wish the faces looked a little bit more like the people running. I think my image conveys how hectic this presidential debate was and that it was important to watch.

This piece conveys the recent forest fires that have been occurring in California. I chose this topic because I thought it was important for people to know what it looks like and that people should be aware of what not to do in the forest so things like this don’t happen. The medium I chose was watercolor because I wanted to get better at it and I feel like this really displays the black and colors of the fire (yellow, orange, and red) well together. I didn’t choose the other 2 mediums because I feel like watercolor displays the image and message better with there being a lot of blending as well as the color being somewhat subtle (not as bright and popped out). I am not the best at watercolor, so the trees don’t look so good because the color kind of mushed together rather than create the texture and shapes of trees. Even with it not looking amazing, I feel like my message was still brought across.



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