Week 7 — Art Activity — Collabor-8

2 min readOct 11, 2020


Andre — https://medium.com/@andretran100

Charlie — https://medium.com/@valles_charlie12

Jahmal — https://medium.com/@fortecotajr97

“Breakfast, the Most Important Meal of the Day?”
“Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” — Referencing a Beetles song that shows beautiful sky to start the day off.
“Music is the Entrance into the Soul” — After breakfast, start the morning off with 104.3 FM radio.
“Vibes” — Started listening to this on my radio to get in to the feels.
“Practicing Rock n’ Roll” — Off to practice with the band.
“Lunch Time!!”
“Tarot Reading” — I started Tarot during my free time and I like to practice with my friends.
”Dinner” — After a long day with activites and school, it’s finally time to eat again.
“Home Sweet Home” — Went out to dinner and now I am on my way back home.
“Not Without Dessert” — Can’t ever end the day without an ice cream sundae.
“Fall Time” — To get into the fall vibes, I turned on the fireplace and absorbed the heat.
“Just One More Chapter?” — Continuing to Read “Dune” by Frank Herbert and I am trying to finish it before the movie comes out.



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