Wk 12 — Artist OTW — Heather Anacker & Krista Feld
Artist: Heather Anacker and Krista Feld
Media: Fine Art, Fiber, Textile, Weaving, Woodwork, & Dyeing
Website: Krista feld artist
LinkedIn: Heather Anacker — Artist — freelance
Krista Feld — Crater — Art Crating Los Angeles
Heather Anacker & Krista Feld
Heather Anacker and Krista Feld both are a part of participating in collaborative work and have pride in doing so. Feld enjoys working with others to create new and innovative objects and installations while Anacker likes it because she believes in building community through making, sharing, and teaching. Their media of art including fine art, textile, weaving, woodwork, and dyeing which is all represented through everyday objects. They like to test every material they can get their hands on because they don’t like to waste things that have potential. I don’t know what the future of Anacker is, but Feld wants to pursue a career in the field of fine art and art academia. They both were involved in creating an exhibition or art gallery called “Dwellings” which is a collaboration of their stuff to show people all their artwork. They both concluded on the decision to leave your shoes at the front door so you can be able to be more vulnerable, aware, and take in more of your surroundings while in a different environment and not take things for granted.
The artwork I will focus on is their whole exhibit called “Dwellings” that shows multiple pieces/objects that they have spread around the room to resemble their lives. It is spread with objects such as sewing kits, sewing machines, tools, aprons, herbs, sawdust, pots and pans, tapestry loom, flat packing room, yarns (died with natural wood), backpack, large scrim, etc. All of these objects are filled with cadence, sinuous, straight, staccato, etc lines and filled with an array of colors (pastel, vivid, and neutral). To be specific to each artist, Feld showed her flat packing room which is a traveling room of things she only needs without mass-produced stuff, and Anacker showed her personal space as well that was filled with a hanging bundle of fabric to sit in so she doesn’t have to be on the ground.
Now, the meaning of the “Dwellings” exhibit and all the objects in it symbolize who they are and what means most to them. The objects demonstrate what we all use in our daily lives and instead of taking them for granted, they wanted to show how you should give them the appreciation they deserve and not waste anything because everything has potential. Also, their pieces show how the Industrial Revolution marginalized high-quality stuff and changed everything because now we are learning outmoded technology, which is worse. Feld’s objects specifically represent the things she likes and what is interpersonal to her, while Anacker’s stuff represents nurture, comfort, and has things that are precious to her.
In my opinion, I agree that displaying all these objects show the audience how useful a lot of the things we use in our daily life are and needs to get the recognition it deserves because when it’s taken away from you, that is when you’ll realize how much you need it. You never know what you got and know its importance until it’s taken away from you. I would have loved to have been able to go, but unfortunately, I was not in college yet and had no ways of knowing about this event. It shows exactly what the people of this world need to know, especially the kids.